infectious diseases

When the kids get it - what parents should know about the flu in children
In the fall and winter months, children are particularly susceptible to respiratory infections such as colds, coughs and influenza (the real flu). Parents are particularly put to the test. Children's immune defenses develop over time. Young children are particularly susceptible to respiratory infections as their immune system still has to learn how to deal with the pathogens.
Cold, flu or corona - what is it now?
The cold season is often characterized by a symptom that we are all familiar with: the flu. But in recent years, a new player has crept into the winter flu wave - the coronavirus. This means that the questions and uncertainties surrounding colds, flu and coronavirus are greater than ever.
Influenza – Symptome, Erreger und alles was du wissen solltest
Die Influenza, im Volksmund auch als Grippe bekannt, ist eine hoch ansteckende Viruserkrankung, die jährlich weltweit Millionen von Menschen betrifft. Der Erreger dieser Krankheit ist das Influenza-Virus, auch als Grippeerreger bezeichnet. Die typischen Grippesymptome sind deutlich intensiver als die einer gewöhnlichen Erkältung. 
Flu wave 2023 - Influenza on the rise?
The flu epidemic is a recurring annual phenomenon that places a heavy burden on the healthcare system and society as a whole. Flu, also known as influenza or the flu, is highly contagious and is caused by various influenza viruses.
Schnelltest abgelaufen und trotzdem ein Strich bei "C"? Wie verlässlich ist der Test noch?
Viele haben vermutlich noch den ein oder anderen Schnelltest zu Hause herumliegen. Doch die wenigsten schauen dabei auf das Datum. Auch Corona-Schnelltests haben ein Verfallsdatum. Ab wann ein Test ungültig ist, auch nachdem das Verfallsdatum überschritten ist, hängt unter anderem auch von der Lagerung ab.
The qPCR method - A PCR test in real time
The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), also known as real-time PCR test, is a molecular biology method for the amplification and quantitative analysis of DNA or RNA sequences. It enables the exact determination of the initial quantity of the target sequence material and has broad applications in research, diagnostics and other areas.
Coronavirus 2023 - An overview of the Covid variants in Germany
The COVID-19 pandemic had Germany, like the rest of the world, in its grip for a long time. However, it is still important to note that some virus variants continue to pose a challenge.
Corona 2023 - Is a new Covid wave imminent?
The WHO recently placed the new corona variant EG.5 alias Eris under increased observation. Despite the classification of EG.5 as a variant of interest, experts are confident that the existing vaccination protection and immunity in the population are also effective against this variant.
6 reasons why Corona can still be dangerous
Corona, or more precisely, COVID-19, can still be dangerous. Here's why one should not underestimate the risk despite vaccinations and immunity. High Transmissibility The SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19 is highly contagious and easily spreads from person to person. It can...
RSV – omnipresent and yet forgotten?

Human respiratory syncytial virus – at least some of you have heard of this tongue twister before – until winter 2022. Pediatricians in Germany reported an extremely high number of RSV cases in infants and small children, practices and clinics went up to their limits and beyond. RS viruses attack the lungs and airways and can cause severe symptoms. Vaccines against RS viruses are not yet available in this country - but there is news from the USA and England.

Corona keeps the world in suspense

When there was talk of a serious epidemic in China in the news at the beginning of 2020, nobody could have guessed how lastingly SARS-Cov-2 would change the whole world. Since then, the corona virus, which can cause serious lung diseases, has determined large parts of people's public and private lives. Instead of soccer results, , incidence values, case numbers and ct values ​​are topic number 1. The virus is now out of the focus of public perception disappeared; Thanks to hygiene rules, tests and vaccines, the danger has largely been averted. But scientists are certain: the corona virus will be with us for a long time.